As a globally active company, we have to comply with a wide range of statutory regulations and cultural standards. To be successful in international business, we have to carefully comply with many different legal requirements and cultural conventions.
Compliance therefore must be fully integrated into our daily work and must be lived, by Board members, executives, and every single employee alike. Together they all shape the interior and exterior image of Evonik and decide whether Evonik is perceived as a reliable partner and attractive employer.
The Executive Board ratified a Code of Conduct in 2007 to support employees with their daily work. This Code of Conduct is the overarching principle of all compliance activities in the Evonik Group and establishes minimum requirements that are mandatory for all employees around the world.
However, the effort to ensure the proper conduct of the company and its employees has to go even further. Evonik challenges itself to observe all applicable laws, internal corporate regulations, and ethical standards.
To prevent violations from happening, the Compliance Officers offer comprehensive training measures throughout the Group. In addition to classroom training sessions offered at domestic and international sites, the company also provides an E-learning training program on the Code of Conduct, in which over 10,000 employees have already taken part.
Further information
Find more details on our global website.