Environment and energy
The biological wastewater treatment plant in 1990 was the start signal for a wide range of installations that benefit the environment. Then, a H2O2-washer (1998), and underground extinguishing water collector system (2001) and a buffer tank for Biology (2002) were started.
To produce steam with the highest possible energy efficiency, Evonik Antwerpen took in 1999 a CHP (Combined Heat and Power) plant in operation in cooperation with Electrabel. This CHP plant generates 45 megawatts of electricity from natural gas, by which very hot combustion gases are formed. The heat of the combustion gases is largely recovered by producing steam with it. Such a combination of electricity and steam production consumes 30% less fuel than conventional separate production. Thereby the CO2 emissions are reduced in the same ratio, which is important in the Kyoto agreements.