Contractor access procedure and forms


Required for contractor employees who will perform work at Evonik Antwerp for 5 or more days.


An application for an access badge is prepared by the contractor's site manager and processed by TS Data Management and Security. The application is sent by email to, and the responsible Evonik contact person should put in copy of this application. The physical badge can be picked up from Security by the contractor employee up to two working days thereafter. An access badge for a contractor is valid for a maximum of 6 months. At the end of this period, another application for access must be submitted in the same manner.


The Limosa reporting duty is done in the context of social security and applies to foreign employers or self-employed persons based abroad. Whether a declaration must be made depends on the purpose of the visit/work and its duration. Below you can see when someone entering is subject to a Limosa declaration.


The contractor's site manager requests a Limosa form via registration on the Limosa web portal for each contractor employee of the foreign company coming to work at Evonik Antwerp. This form must accompany the application for a permanent badge. If the contractor employee is coming to work for only a few days and does not require a permanent badge, he/she should submit this form to the Security employee at each entrance.


Contractor employees with a permanent badge, who come to perform work at Evonik Antwerp, and who need access to the site with their vehicle for practical reasons.


The contractor's site manager prepares an application for an entry permit and sends it to the internal contact person at Evonik. The Evonik contact person evaluates the application. Upon approval, he/she signs the form and forwards it to

Before bringing in any unmarked or private equipment, tools or materials, an inventory list must be given in advance to Security and the contact person. This list must always be available on our premises and must be presented at all times.