Smart Materials
Business Lines
Entire industries are looking for ways to reinvent themselves and to achieve greater resource efficiency. The Smart Materials division has the answer.
Smart Materials in the web

Active Oxygens
Evonik is one of the leading providers for hydrogen peroxide, operating production sites across every continent. We are the innovative leader in high quality products, technologies and services, offering more than a century of worldwide experience.

The no. 1 value generator in the chemical industry. We have the expertise to unleash the power of catalysis. Accelerating your Chemistry© – we can help you to develop new processes with tailor made catalysts from Evonik to reduce energy and resource consumption.

Coating & Adhesive Resins
As a solution provider, the Coating & Adhesive Resins Business Line offers a multitude of designed polymers for various applications in the coating and adhesives industry.

High Performance Polymers
Understanding challenges is a prerequisite for finding appropriate solutions. Consequently, the Business Line places special emphasis on close cooperation with its customers to jointly develop custom-tailored system solutions with its high-performance polymers and downstream products such as compounds, fibers, foams, powders, membranes a.o.

Silanes are a key resource for different industries. They are crucial for the production of semiconductors and optical fibers. As high performance additives they modify the surface properties of inorganic particles, polymers, and resins. In the combination with silica rubber silanes have revolutionized the manufacturing of energy saving passenger car tires.

Particle design is the technical core competence of the Silica Business Line. With this know-how the experts help to improve their customers’ products in many, widely diverse industries – from the inside out. For that they have the right and deep understanding of the needs of their customers and the related markets. For sure, they can claim: Inside, to get it right.