Evonik accepts its responsibility
Evonik takes responsibility - for the business, the employees and society.
At Evonik, we conduct our business according to the principles of “reliability and credibility”. We implement this responsibility by contributing to the sustainable development of our society. In addition, we want to answer the challenges of the future and the megatrends relevant for sustainability. That’s the way we achieve our goals.
Voluntary commitment
The ten principles of the Global Compact and the Global Responsible Care Charter are at the core of our responsible conduct.
With the Global Compact of the United Nations, which Evonik joined in 2009, we undertake that we do everything possible within our sphere of influence to promote the human rights and the rights of our employees, prevent discrimination, protect people and the environment and combat corruption. Evonik also signed the Global Responsible Care Charter of the of the International Council of Chemical Associations. We hereby commit to continuously improve our performances in relation to health, safety, environmental protection and product care.
Further information
More information on our global website.